There is a small but active scene of people playing around with GPS. Take for instance the popular so-called GPS-drawing. Bringing along a GPS-receiver and looking at a map (or by using a small screen) to make your route into a drawing. This data can then be transferred onto the computer and reprocessed.
GPS drawing
Overlay Drawing

Anothe popular pastime involving GPS is Geocaching. This is a kind of modern treaure-hunt where the finder of a 'treasure' leaves something new behind for the next finder. Because new locations can be added, the game can go on forever. There's also a Dutch community.
Dutch Cache Hunt
Geocaching Maps

A number of artists have also taken up the GPS-technology in creating original works. All too often these projects tend to be about tracing the artist in question. With Amsterdam RealTime we hope to combine the cultural quality of the artwork with the participatory of the drawing- and caching-projects.
Vopos (2002)
Andrea di Castro (1997)
You are here: museu (1995)

A slightly different kind of tracing....coming soon in the US: watches with built-in GPS functionality. These are also equipped with a pager and a 911-alarmbutton. They're aimed at parents who never want to loose sight of their children.
Wherify GPS-watch

With Amsterdam RealTime we're tracking traces made by people. Last year, in a scientific context, around Scandinavia and the UK a flock of geese was tracked. They were tagged with tiny satellite transmitters, enabling the researchers for the first time to map their relocations.
Satellite-tagged brent geese
Examples of traces

The use of GPS stretches into recreational purposes as well, such as wandering routes through the territories of Staatsbosbeheer. This government body (caring after dutch forest areas) claims a pilot with these routes turns out to be a big succes.
Struinen met satellieten ("Strolling with satellites")

The goal of the Confluence project is to visit each of the latitude and longitude integer degree intersections in the world, and to take pictures at each location. The pictures and stories are posted at the website.
Degree Confluence